
I am so happy you are joining me on my trip across Europe. Together we will visit Brussels, Amsterdam, Rome, Sarajevo and Bucharest. Along our way we hope to meet many wonderful people and learn about the different cultures in each country and city. This is my first European experience and new to the blogging world, but excited about the opportunity that is before me and looking forward to sharing the experience with others.

Friday, March 12, 2010

A few pics from Amsterdam

Amsterdam upon arrival

Be wary of the Amsterdam bicyclists - they are not playing around!

Amsterdam Flower Market

Amsterdam at dusk

Amsterdam Sights
Amsterdam side street

Red Light District

Amy Gardner, Kristy Teskey, George Walker, Shannan Hicks

Modern Holland Windmills

Hanging out at the Farm with Host Family

Toto, we are not in Kansas anymore!

But, you can click your clogs three times to get back home...

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